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Passant the weak
Player ID: 211676
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 185
Luck : 81
Energetic immunity : 429
Trade sense : 109
Briskness : 261
Initiative : 157
Defence : 1595
Attack : 870
Power : 167
Herbalism : 15
Woodcutting : 4
Experimentalism : 3
Waterhandling : 3
Filtering : 0
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Darkness Principle = 831
Time Principle = 2160
Principle of Light = 1791
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 2394 | Lost: 2394
Honor: 2951
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Passant the weak, a lonely soul
I am Passant, the Weak.

One may wonder how that name came to me? Its not exactly the kind of compliment you are looking for.
The Weak.

I was given that name 1 minute after my birth. It was because I looked so... weak... Even my first cry was a weak one... so weak that it was silent.

The name followed me during my young days. Now I still look very weak. Some say I look ugly too. But I'm still surviving in that world. And I wonder.

I wonder...

Is my mind as weak as my body ? This is an unanswered question. This is a critical question to me. So who in that world will help me find the answer? And how will I gather the answer?

I need help. I've always been needing help... That's normal, I'm so weak...

I was given the title of Glass Expert. Along with a tool to melt Sand into Glass. That makes me wonder. Can one make a stairway with glass? Or will it break?

I have been given a scarf by Pothos. A pocketed scarf of blue color. I wonder if that gift is to protect me from the cold. Anyway, it's blue like the glass I make. I will use the pocket to store the glass I make, before delivery.


Day 36: received a gift from Gort hedera. A  bracelet made of grass. I love it.
Some of my creatures
Elemental IV Nosferatu Brogitte Bardot A coloured life Jester Phantom Bloody Mary Red Alert Paul VI BoudiouYFaiChaud Abracadadrak

I hate my father who I never knew.
I hate my mother who abandoned me.
I hate the world that showed me my uglyness.
I hate my ennemies who show me my weakness.

I hate myself for being a hater.

The Weak Art of War

Know that every  Strong has a weakness.

Find that weakness.

Hit that weakness.


Page 570 - One Man, Many voices
In the light of dawn a figure made its way over to the place Aia abided. Sliding out the drachorn’s fang and piercing her target Aia fell ill to its deadly effects. As she steadily grew worse she was heard to mutter, “The children are dead in body but not in spirit”. For now, Dst has killed the Children of the Eclipse. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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